
From The Weegee Fad
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Weegeepedia (a.k.a the troll den) is a wiki that is the home of the rejects of the Weegee fad.


Weegeepedia's standards is not very good as this wiki, Weegeepedia is notorious for being flooded in Recolors, Failgees, low-quality pages (that has little or no effect added to it) and inaccurate canon that does nothing to help Weegeepedia in any way as it's against the Weegee fad and angers most people to not bother joining Weegeepedia at all, it abuses fair use by strictly limiting creativity to not allow anyone to create certain types of Weegee-related content (e.g Weegeefied characters, Disney etc), and the admins act less mature whose don't take the quality improvement on Weegeepedia as seriously, as this can cause complaints by users (e.g. LLRWeegee) who want the wiki's service to be majorly improved to satisfy the users positively.

And also, the admins also show a lack of signs on allowing users to give them a chance to change their behavior when they violate their guidelines, and they simply just block them for indefinite with an insult that is sometimes added at the reason on why the user is blocked instead of giving them a warning and/or a limited block with a more sensible, accurate reason.

Due to Weegeepedia's high infestation of recolors, impure Weegee clones and its corrupted ideology, this brainwashed future users of Weegeepedia to inadvertently create low-quality content to help destroy Weegee's reputation. It is highly encouraged to join the official DA Weegee Fad group and our wiki, as this has far more better and accurate content of the Weegee fad that is dedicated for more mature and tolerant users who are fit to be part of the Weegee fad's standards.

Antagonistic Acts

Weegeepedia is known for its antagonistic acts such as posting pointless posts in great wikis such as Trollpasta Wiki and Free Vandalism Wiki to be deleted and yet keeping badder wikis with little quality, as well as showing signs and behavior of not caring about quality improvement, as users keep Weegeepedia online to possibly cover up any drama they've caused which involved real people who are addicted to it which is seen as a waste to Wikia Fandom's time, money, and server space.

In deaf ears, the admins will fail to respond to any complaints made by users that Weegeepedia's service must be improved (e.g removing recolors and fakegees) for a change, and they just simply indiscriminately block and the complaint is dismissed by admins (thinking that Fakegees are fit to stay, which actually turned out that they're are not).

One UnAnything admin took note on Weegeepedia's overall behavior and described the users as "raiders" who trolled and attacked other wikis such as UnAnything Wiki, DeviantArt and YouTube.

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