Hungry Harry

From The Weegee Fad
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Playable Version

Hungry Harry is a Weegee that has the resemblance of Pac-Man, except that he is a talking hybrid lily pad fish that lives under the sea near an island and has the ability to breath air and water at the same time. He has a Commodore Amiga that he uses to create an army of Weegeefied characters to overthrow/kill the Weegee recolor menaces that are trying to destroy Weegee and his reputation. And with no doubt, he proves that all the recolored Weegee clones are directly to blame for influencing people to make recolors to inadvertently help to destroy the Weegee fad.

He also gets into a chase with the HH Ghosts who decided to go fishing, and bait Hungry Harry as their catch of the day which happened across cities, forest bushes, his own home, the HH Ghosts' HQ and his own Commodore Amiga. Although, their attempts to do so failed due to Hungry Harry eating them.

Powers[edit | edit source]


Speaks the words "DINNER TIME", and it turns the opponent into a fish/mini skyscraper/CPU chip/thistle/or a mini ghost depending what environment he is in.

  • Eat:

He can eat anything.

Family[edit | edit source]

  • A pond of lilypads - "father"